Schedule Changes

After initial registration, students may make course changes such as to add or drop courses in the Office of Registration and Records (through first week) or via the web (up until the day before term starts).

Adding and Dropping

After initial registration, students may wish to add, drop and/or withdraw from classes in accordance with the dates published in the academic calendar. For assistance, contact the Information Desk at 541-440-4600.


If a class is closed, a student can choose to be placed on the waitlist. Only students on the waitlist will be offered an opportunity to register, via their UCC student email, if a seat becomes available. All prerequisites and other enforced registration restrictions must be met to be placed on a waitlist. The waitlist operates on a first come, first serve basis with a specific limited amount of time to register for the course should a seat become available. The student is responsible for monitoring their UCC student email for notifications.


Students discontinuing attendance without filing a Registration & Schedule Change Form with the Office of Registration and Records will be responsible for all Tuition and Fees associated with the course. Additionally, they may receive a failing grade. Recipients of Title IV financial aid funds are subject to the federal regulations for withdrawals from classes for a term.

Students wishing to drop (which does not appear on the academic transcript) a course or courses must initiate the drop procedure during the first week of instruction, except for classes less than ten weeks in length. These dates are pro-rated and reflected in the class schedule. Complete and file the appropriate form with the Office of Registration and Records at

Withdrawal from UCC

To withdraw from all courses, students must submit a completed Registration & Schedule Change Form, with appropriate signatures, to the Office of Registration and Records. A withdrawal is reflected on a student’s transcript and adherence to the correct procedure protects a student’s academic record.

Withdrawal Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms

Fall, winter, and spring terms, students may withdraw from courses beginning the second week of instruction through Friday of the seventh week by completing the appropriate form in the Office of Registration and Records, signatures from financial aid must be included.

Withdrawal Summer and Intersession Terms

Refer to academic calendar.

Late Withdrawal Request from UCC

A Late Withdrawal may be requested after the withdrawal deadline. All requests must include a written explanation with supporting documentation outlining the extenuating circumstances, which prevented student from withdrawing before the published deadline. A course failure alone is not an extenuating circumstance. A written response will be sent to the student’s email account within three business days. In some circumstances, the Registrar may refer the withdrawal request to the Academic Standards Committee for further review.

Instructor Drops from Classes

Instructors have the option to drop a student who registered for a class, but does not attend the first meeting. Students who do not wish to be dropped due to non-attendance should contact the instructor if they will miss any of the first week’s meetings. Instructors are not required to drop a student for non-attendance. Therefore, students who want to drop or withdraw from a class must initiate the drop/withdrawal process through the Office of Registration and Records. It is their responsibility to ensure the drop or withdrawal process occurs. If a student is registered for a class and they do not attend, they will be assigned a grade in the class and it will become part of their permanent record.

Exceptional Circumstances and Appeals

Students are expected to request withdrawals after the term begins in person. Under exceptional circumstances with documentation, they may initiate a withdrawal by telephone or by writing a letter of explanation to the Office of Registration and Records. Appeals for exception to the withdrawal policy must be directed to the Academic Standards Committee. Appeal forms are available from the Office of Registration and Records or the Academic Advising Office. For assistance, contact Assistant Registrar at 541-440-7784. Note: Recipients of Title IV financial aid funds are subject to the federal regulations for withdrawals from all classes for a term.