Degree Completion and Catalog Time Limits

Catalog Time Limit for Program Completion

Students must complete the program and degree requirements listed in the catalog under which they began their program within a five-year time span. After five years, students must either complete current program requirements in effect, or petition the Department Chair (for career-technical programs) or the Director of Registration and Records/Registrar (for transfer programs) for an extension of time or an approved adjusted program.

Graduation Requirements

Degrees and certificates are awarded at the conclusion of each term. The commencement ceremony to honor degrees and certificates is held in June.

It is the student’s responsibility to request a graduation evaluation to ensure that all requirements are completed. For June graduates, the evaluation should be requested no later than March 1, of the year in which the certificate or degree is to be awarded.

To receive any degree from UCC, students must maintain a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, attend UCC for two terms including the last, and complete at least 25% of the program requirements at UCC.

Students must complete a minimum of 90 term credits of lower division collegiate courses with a minimum accumulated grade of C or better.

Students who graduate from high school or completed a high school equivalency program in 1997 or later must meet the second language requirement for admission to a four-year Oregon State college or university:

  1. Two years of the same high school-level second language, or
  2. Two terms of a college-level second language with a grade of C or better.


  1. Physical Education Activity Courses – 12 hours maximum.
  2. Students may not receive credit toward a degree or certificate for courses in which they have previously completed advanced work.

Second Degree or Certificate

  • To earn a second Associate Degree, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in addition to those completed for the first degree.
  • To earn a second program Certificate, students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in addition to those completed for the first certificate.

Pathway Certificate

UCC automatically transcripts Pathway Certificates upon completion of requirements at the conclusion of each term. To opt out of an automatic transcription of a Pathway Certificate, submit a completed Change in Graduation form (with the opt out box checked) to the Office of Registration and Records.

Practical Nursing Certificate

UCC automatically transcripts the Practical Nursing Certificate upon completion of requirements at the conclusion of Spring term. To opt out of an automatic transcription of the Practical Nursing Certificate, submit a completed Change in Graduation form (with the opt out box checked) to the registrar’s Office in Registration and records. 

Retail Management Certificate

UCC automatically transcripts the Retail Management Certificate upon completion of requirements at the conclusion of each term. This certificate, as it is a Statewide Certificate of Completion and does not have a statewide base program to attach to in order to qualify as a Pathway Certificate. The certificate is transcribed for both traditional students as well as WAFC sponsored national students. To opt out of an automatic transcription of the Retail Management Certificate, submit a completed Change in Graduation form (with the opt out box checked) to the Registrar’s Office in Registration and Records.

Reverse Transfer from Another Institution

Students may transfer in a maximum of 25% of the college-level program credits required for program completion at UCC from a university or college that offers bachelor’s degree or higher.  In addition, students must complete the degree requirements outlined in the UCC academic catalog under which they began their program within five years from the program start date.  After five years, students must complete program requirements currently in effect for that program.