Forest Engineering, Associate of Science

Program Description

The Forestry Program provides graduates with an education in fundamental forestry knowledge, applied field based skills, and professional and ethical behavior in order to be successful professionals assisting in the management of forested ecosystems for a diverse set of landscape objectives which promote environmental, social, and economic values of forests.

Program Outcomes

This UCC program aligns with the programs offered through the OSU College of Forestry Program. UCC students that complete the Forest Engineering AS degree will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  2. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Career Considerations

Foresters and forest managers are concerned with the overall administrative, economic, legal and social aspects and with the essentially scientific and technical aspects, especially silviculture, protection, and forest regulation.

Program Course Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First TermCredits
CH 221 General Chemistry I 1 5
DRF 112 Drafting and Design I 3
ENGR 111 Engineering Orientation I 3
FES 241 Dendrology 4
FOR 111 Introduction to Forestry 3
Second Term
FOR 112 Problem Solving-Technology 3
FOR 234 GIS-Intro to Geographic Info 4
MTH 251 Calculus I 5
WR 121Z Composition I 4
Third Term
MTH 252 Calculus II 4
MTH 265 Statistics-Scientists-Engineer 4
SOC 213 Race Class and Ethnicity 3
SUR 161 Surveying I 4
WR 227Z Technical Writing 4
Second Year
First Term
ENGR 211 Statics 4
FES 240 Forest Biology 4
MTH 254 Vector Calculus I 4
PH 211
General Physics w-Calculus I 1
or General Physics w Algebra I
Second Term
ENGR 213 Strength of Materials 4
MTH 256 Differential Equations 4
MUS 105 Intro to Rock Music 2 3
PH 212 General Physics w-Calculus II 1 5
Third Term
COM 111Z Public Speaking 4
ECON 201 Microeconomics 3 4
ENGR 212 Dynamics 4
SOIL 205 Soil Science 3
SOIL 206 Soil Science Lab 1
 Total Minimum Credits102

Any approved Science with lab


Any approved Arts and Letters


Any approved Social Science 

Advising Notes

  • MTH 243 transfers for FE major but not for dual FE/CE major. Need MTH265 (statistics with calculus) for dual major
  • UCC MTH253 and MTH261 combined transfer as OSU MTH306