Approved Course Listings

AAOT Approved Courses

The following list applies to the AAOT and general education transfer classes. If a student is unsure about the university they will transfer to for their baccalaureate degree, the following courses are recommended to be used to complete the requirements of the AAOT. 

AAOT: Arts & Letters

ART 204History of Western Art I4
ART 205History of Western Art II4
ART 206History of Western Art III4
COM 111ZPublic Speaking4
COM 218ZInterpersonal Communication4
ENG 253Survey of American Lit I4
ENG 254Survey of American Lit II4
ENG 255Survey of American Lit III4
ENG 104ZIntroduction to Fiction4
ENG 105ZIntroduction to Drama4
ENG 106ZIntroduction to Poetry4
ENG 107World Literature I4
ENG 108World Literature II4
ENG 109World Literature III4
ENG 205Survey of English Lit II4
ENG 206Survey of English Lit III4
MUS 105Intro to Rock Music3
MUS 205Intro to Jazz History3
SPAN 201Second Year Spanish I4
SPAN 202Second Year Spanish II4
SPAN 203Second Year Spanish III4

AAOT: Science / Math / Computer Science

BI 101General Biology4
BI 102General Biology4
BI 103General Biology4
BI 211Principles of Biology5
BI 212Principles of Biology5
BI 213Principles of Biology5
BI 231Anatomy and Physiology I4
BI 232Anatomy and Physiology II4
BI 233Anatomy and Physiology III4
CH 104Intro to Chemistry I4
CH 105Intro to Chemistry II4
CH 106Intro to Chemistry III4
CH 221General Chemistry I5
CH 222General Chemistry II5
CH 223General Chemistry III5
G 201General Geology I4
G 202General Geology II4
G 203General Geology III4
GS 106Physical Science4
MTH 105ZMath in Society4
MTH 111ZPrecalculus I Functions4
MTH 112ZPrecalculus II Trigonometry4
MTH 251Calculus I5
PH 211General Physics w-Calculus I5
PH 212General Physics w-Calculus II5
PH 213General Physics w-Calculus III5
STAT 243ZElementary Statistics I4

AAOT: Social Sciences

ANTH 221Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ECON 201Microeconomics4
ECON 202Macroeconomics4
GEOG 142Human Geography4
HST 104World History3
HST 105World History3
HST 106World History3
HST 201History of United States I3
HST 202History of United States II3
HST 203History of United States III3
PS 201United States Government I4
PSY 201ZIntroduction to Psychology I4
PSY 202ZIntroduction to Psychology II4
SOC 204Intro to Sociology3
SOC 206Social Problems-Issues3


WR 121ZComposition I4
WR 122ZComposition II4
WR 227ZTechnical Writing4

AAOT Approved Course Listing per University

A student who knows where they will transfer for their baccalaureate education, may work with their advisor to add any class from the above list or from those listed below according to their university of transfer, for their AAOT general education requirements. 

Oregon State University (OSU)

arts and letters options

ART 101Introduction to Visual Arts4
COM 219Small Group Communication3
ENG 204Survey of English Lit I4
ENG 230Environmental Lit4
ENG 201Shakespeare I4
ENG 288Cultural Diversity in Amer Lit4
FA 256American Film History4
MUS 204Music of the World3
TA 271Introduction to Theatre4

science and math options

ATS 201Climate Science4
BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
GS 107Beginning Astronomy4
MTH 211Fundamentals-Elem Math I4
MTH 242Calculus Mgmt-Soc Sci II4
PH 201General Physics w Algebra I5
PH 202General Physics w Algebra II5
PH 203General Physics w Algebra III5

Social science options

PSY 231Human Sexuality3
SOC 205Inst-Social Change3
SOC 213Race Class and Ethnicity3

University of Oregon (UO)

arts and letters options

ART 120Artists Books3
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
ART 134Illustrating Nature3
ART 234Figure Drawing3
ART 250Ceramics 13
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 252Ceramics III3
ART 253Ceramic Handbuilding I3
ART 255Ceramic Handbuilding III3
ART 281Painting3
ART 294Watercolor3
COM 237Gender Communication3
ENG 230Environmental Lit4
ENG 201Shakespeare I4
FA 256American Film History4
MUS 201Intro to Music and Its Lit I3
MUS 202Intro to Music and Its Lit II3
MUS 203Intro to Music and Its Lit III3
MUS 204Music of the World3
TA 271Introduction to Theatre4

science and mathematics options

ATS 201Climate Science4
BI 222Intro to Genetics3
BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
CH 112Fundamentals of Chemistry5
CH 241Organic Chemistry I4
CH 242Organic Chemistry II4
CH 243Organic Chemistry III4
CS 160Orientation-Computer Science4
CS 161Computer Science I4
CS 162Computer Science II4
CS 260Data Structures4
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
GS 107Beginning Astronomy4
GS 112Making Sense of Science4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 241Calculus f-Mgmt-Soc Sci4
MTH 242Calculus Mgmt-Soc Sci II4
MTH 252Calculus II4
MTH 253Calculus III4
MTH 254Vector Calculus I4
MTH 256Differential Equations4
MTH 261Intro to Linear Algebra2

social science options

PS 205International Relations4
SOC 205Inst-Social Change3
SOC 207Juvenile Delinquency3
SOC 213Race Class and Ethnicity3
SOC 225Social Aspects of Addiction3

Portland State University (PSU)

arts and letters options

ART 101Introduction to Visual Arts4
ART 115Art and Design Foundation 1-2D4
ART 117Art and Design Foundation 3D4
ART 120Artists Books3
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
ART 132Intro to Drawing II Form-Space3
ART 134Illustrating Nature3
ART 234Figure Drawing3
ART 250Ceramics 13
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 252Ceramics III3
ART 253Ceramic Handbuilding I3
ART 254Ceramic Handbuilding II3
ART 255Ceramic Handbuilding III3
ART 281Painting3
ART 294Watercolor3
COM 237Gender Communication3
ENG 204Survey of English Lit I4
ENG 230Environmental Lit4
ENG 201Shakespeare I4
ENG 288Cultural Diversity in Amer Lit4
MUS 201Intro to Music and Its Lit I3
MUS 202Intro to Music and Its Lit II3
MUS 203Intro to Music and Its Lit III3
MUS 204Music of the World3
TA 141Acting 14
TA 142Acting 24
TA 143Acting 34
TA 209Stagecraft 13
TA 212Stagecraft 23
TA 271Introduction to Theatre4

science and mathematics options

ATS 201Climate Science4
BI 222Intro to Genetics3
BI 234Microbiology4
CH 241Organic Chemistry I4
CH 242Organic Chemistry II4
CH 243Organic Chemistry III4
G 140Natural Disasters3
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
GS 107Beginning Astronomy4
GS 112Making Sense of Science4
MTH 211Fundamentals-Elem Math I4
MTH 212Fundamentals-Elem Math II4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 241Calculus f-Mgmt-Soc Sci4
MTH 242Calculus Mgmt-Soc Sci II4
MTH 252Calculus II4
MTH 253Calculus III4
MTH 254Vector Calculus I4
MTH 256Differential Equations4
MTH 265Statistics-Scientists-Engineer4

social science options

PS 205International Relations4
PSY 130Understanding Child Behavior3
PSY 231Human Sexuality3
SOC 205Inst-Social Change3
SOC 207Juvenile Delinquency3
SOC 208Sociology of Sport3
SOC 213Race Class and Ethnicity3
SOC 225Social Aspects of Addiction3

Southern Oregon University (SOU)

arts and letters options

ART 115Art and Design Foundation 1-2D4
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
COM 219Small Group Communication3

science and mathematics options

BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
CS 160Orientation-Computer Science4
CS 161Computer Science I4
CS 162Computer Science II4
CS 260Data Structures4
G 140Natural Disasters3
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
MTH 212Fundamentals-Elem Math II4
MTH 265Statistics-Scientists-Engineer4

Western Oregon University (WOU)

arts and letters options

ART 101Introduction to Visual Arts4
ART 115Art and Design Foundation 1-2D4
ART 117Art and Design Foundation 3D4
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
ART 132Intro to Drawing II Form-Space3
ART 234Figure Drawing3
ART 250Ceramics 13
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 254Ceramic Handbuilding II3
ART 281Painting3
COM 219Small Group Communication3
FA 256American Film History4
MUS 201Intro to Music and Its Lit I3
MUS 202Intro to Music and Its Lit II3
MUS 203Intro to Music and Its Lit III3
TA 141Acting 14
TA 142Acting 24
TA 143Acting 34

science and mathematics options 

BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
CS 160Orientation-Computer Science4
CS 161Computer Science I4
CS 162Computer Science II4
CS 260Data Structures4
G 140Natural Disasters3
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
MTH 211Fundamentals-Elem Math I4
MTH 212Fundamentals-Elem Math II4
MTH 213Fundamentals-Elem Math III4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 241Calculus f-Mgmt-Soc Sci4
MTH 252Calculus II4
MTH 253Calculus III4
MTH 254Vector Calculus I4
MTH 256Differential Equations4
PH 201General Physics w Algebra I5
PH 202General Physics w Algebra II5
PH 203General Physics w Algebra III5

social science options

PS 205International Relations4

Eastern Oregon University (EOU)

arts and letters options

ART 101Introduction to Visual Arts4
ART 115Art and Design Foundation 1-2D4
ART 117Art and Design Foundation 3D4
ART 120Artists Books3
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
ART 132Intro to Drawing II Form-Space3
ART 134Illustrating Nature3
ART 234Figure Drawing3
ART 250Ceramics 13
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 252Ceramics III3
ART 281Painting3
ART 294Watercolor3
COM 219Small Group Communication3
COM 237Gender Communication3
ENG 204Survey of English Lit I4
ENG 230Environmental Lit4
ENG 201Shakespeare I4
ENG 288Cultural Diversity in Amer Lit4
FA 256American Film History4
MUS 201Intro to Music and Its Lit I3
MUS 202Intro to Music and Its Lit II3
MUS 203Intro to Music and Its Lit III3
MUS 204Music of the World3
TA 141Acting 14
TA 142Acting 24
TA 143Acting 34
TA 271Introduction to Theatre4

science and mathematics options

ATS 201Climate Science4
BI 222Intro to Genetics3
BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
CH 112Fundamentals of Chemistry5
CH 241Organic Chemistry I4
CH 242Organic Chemistry II4
CH 243Organic Chemistry III4
CS 160Orientation-Computer Science4
CS 161Computer Science I4
CS 162Computer Science II4
CS 260Data Structures4
CS 260Data Structures4
G 140Natural Disasters3
G 221Environmental Geology4
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
GS 107Beginning Astronomy4
GS 112Making Sense of Science4
MTH 211Fundamentals-Elem Math I4
MTH 212Fundamentals-Elem Math II4
MTH 213Fundamentals-Elem Math III4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 241Calculus f-Mgmt-Soc Sci4
MTH 242Calculus Mgmt-Soc Sci II4
MTH 252Calculus II4
MTH 253Calculus III4
MTH 254Vector Calculus I4
MTH 256Differential Equations4
MTH 261Intro to Linear Algebra2
MTH 265Statistics-Scientists-Engineer4
PH 201General Physics w Algebra I5
PH 202General Physics w Algebra II5
PH 203General Physics w Algebra III5

social science options

PS 205International Relations4
PSY 231Human Sexuality3
SOC 205Inst-Social Change3
SOC 207Juvenile Delinquency3
SOC 213Race Class and Ethnicity3
SOC 225Social Aspects of Addiction3

Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)

arts and letters options

ART 115Art and Design Foundation 1-2D4
ART 117Art and Design Foundation 3D4
ART 120Artists Books3
ART 131Intro to Drawing I Line-Gest3
ART 234Figure Drawing3
ART 250Ceramics 13
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 252Ceramics III3
ART 253Ceramic Handbuilding I3
ART 254Ceramic Handbuilding II3
ART 255Ceramic Handbuilding III3
ART 281Painting3
ART 294Watercolor3
COM 219Small Group Communication3
ENG 204Survey of English Lit I4
ENG 201Shakespeare I4
ENG 288Cultural Diversity in Amer Lit4
FA 256American Film History4
MUS 201Intro to Music and Its Lit I3
MUS 202Intro to Music and Its Lit II3
MUS 203Intro to Music and Its Lit III3
MUS 204Music of the World3
TA 141Acting 14
TA 142Acting 24
TA 143Acting 34
TA 271Introduction to Theatre4

science and mathematics

BI 222Intro to Genetics3
BI 234Microbiology4
BOT 203General Field Botany4
CH 112Fundamentals of Chemistry5
CH 241Organic Chemistry I4
CH 242Organic Chemistry II4
CH 243Organic Chemistry III4
G 140Natural Disasters3
GS 104Physical Science4
GS 105Physical Science4
GS 107Beginning Astronomy4
GS 112Making Sense of Science4
MTH 211Fundamentals-Elem Math I4
MTH 212Fundamentals-Elem Math II4
MTH 213Fundamentals-Elem Math III4
MTH 231Elem Discrete Math I4
MTH 241Calculus f-Mgmt-Soc Sci4
MTH 242Calculus Mgmt-Soc Sci II4
MTH 252Calculus II4
MTH 253Calculus III4
MTH 254Vector Calculus I4
MTH 256Differential Equations4
MTH 261Intro to Linear Algebra2
MTH 265Statistics-Scientists-Engineer4
PH 201General Physics w Algebra I5
PH 202General Physics w Algebra II5
PH 203General Physics w Algebra III5

social science options

PS 205International Relations4
SOC 205Inst-Social Change3
SOC 207Juvenile Delinquency3
SOC 213Race Class and Ethnicity3
SOC 225Social Aspects of Addiction3