Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT)

Program Description

The Associate of Arts Degree is conferred on students who complete a full lower division college transfer program meeting requirements set jointly by Oregon’s community colleges and public universities. This degree provides for “block transfer” and all lower division general education requirements of the receiving institution are met. Students should work closely with UCC advisors and faculty, and with representatives of the institution(s) to which they may transfer for specific details. There may be special requirements for specific programs or schools, as well as requirements for admissions, foreign language, and cultural literacy.

Program Outcomes

The AA/OT/ASOT transfer degrees are designed to prepare students to succeed after transferring to public universities and to attain GPAs comparable to students who begin their education at those institutions. Students who attain these degrees will possess a wide range of knowledge and skills, as described in the categories below. As a result of completing the AA/OT/ASOT, students should be able to:

Arts and Letters

  • Interpret and engage in the Arts & Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life; and
  • Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.


  • Use appropriate mathematics to solve problems; and
  • Recognize which mathematical concepts are applicable to a scenario, apply appropriate mathematics and technology in its analysis, and then accurately interpret, validate, and communicate the results.

Science or Computer Sciences

  • Gather, comprehend, and communicate scientific and technical information in order to explore ideas, models, and solutions and generate further questions; and
  • Apply scientific and technical modes of inquiry, individually, and collaboratively, to critically evaluate existing or alternative explanations, solve problems, and make evidence-based decisions in an ethical manner; and
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of scientific studies and critically examine the influence of scientific and technical knowledge on human society.

Social Sciences

  • Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behavior; and
  • Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live.

Speech/Oral Communication

  • Engage in ethical communication processes that accomplish goals; and
  • Respond to the needs of diverse audiences and contexts; and
  • Build and manage relationships.


  • Read actively, think critically, and write purposefully and capably for academic and, in some cases, professional audiences; and
  • Locate, evaluate, and ethically utilize information to communicate effectively; and
  • Demonstrate appropriate reasoning in response to complex issues.

Cultural Literacy

  • Identify and analyze complex practices, values, and beliefs and the culturally and historically defined meanings of difference.

Program Course Requirements

Foundational Requirements
HPE 295Wellness-Hlth Assess3
Mathematics (one college level course)4
MTH 105ZMath in Society (or higher)4
Oral Communications
COM 111ZPublic Speaking4
or COM 218Z Interpersonal Communication
WR 121ZComposition I4
WR 122ZComposition II4
or WR 227Z Technical Writing
Discipline Studies Requirements
Arts and Letters Elective
Must take at least three courses, chosen from at least two disciplines from the approved list 1
Must take at least four courses from at least two disciplines — including at least three biological or physical science courses with labs, from the approved list 2
Social Science Elective
Must take at least four courses chosen from at least two disciplines from the approved list
Any courses numbered 100 or above that would bring total credits up to 90 3
Cultural Literacy
At least one of the Discipline Studies courses above must be designated as meeting the criteria for Cultural Literacy. This course is not an additional course — it would also meet Foundational, Discipline or Elective requirements.

Note: Second year world languages, are included in this category. First year world languages are counted as electives.


Note: Math credits used to meet this requirement are in addition to any used to meet the Foundational Requirement above.


Note: Electives may include up to 12 credits from the approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) list, and a maximum of 12 credits of PE activity courses.

Optional Flightpaths (focus areas)

All flightpaths are required to meet foundational requirements listed above

Additional Requirements

  • No course substitutions are allowed.
  • No course may be used to satisfy requirements in more than one area.
  • All foundational requirement and discipline studies requirement courses used must be at least three credits.
  • A minimum 90 credits with a grade of C or higher and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher are needed to satisfy AAOT requirements.
  • To complete an AAOT at UCC, a minimum of 24 credits must be earned through UCC and two terms of attendance must have occurred at UCC.