Natural Resources (NR)

NR 201: Introduction-Natural Resouces (3)
Introductory course for Natural Resources majors. Overview of the underlying principles and complexities involved in managing natural resources of the Pacific Northwest. Investigation of major natural resource issues of the region. Development of critical thinking and collaboration skills useful in seeking solutions
Terms Typically Offered: Fall
NR 221: Water Resource Science (4)
This course offers a field-based introduction to methods for measurement and monitoring of the hydrological parameters of natural water resources, the relation between those parameters and the quality of the resource, and strategies for management of those parameters.
Registration-Enforced Prerequisite: MTH 111Z.
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
NR 230: Forest Ecosystems (3)
Principles of ecosystem dynamics in forested communities, landscapes and bioregions. Co-evolution of competition, predation and mutual-ism. Energy flow, nutrient cycles and feedback controls. The effects of disturbance and succession on biodiversity and habitat stability through time.
Prerequisite: Completed course in Biology or Natural Resources or instructor approval.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall
NR 251: Principles Wildlife Conserv (3)
History of conservation and natural resource use; ecological principles, and social and economic limitations of conservation; principles and practices of wildlife and fisheries management; role of research in management.
Recommended Prerequisite: A previous course in Biology or Natural Resources.
Terms Typically Offered: Winter