Health & Physical Education (HPE)

HPE 131: Intro to HPE (3)
Students will be provided the basic philosophy and instructional methods within the health and physical education fields. Surveys professional opportunities in the area of health and physical education, including required qualifications for future PE teachers, coaches, fitness instructors, and more
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
HPE 184: Prevent Care Athletic Injuries (3)
The purpose of this course is to prepare students to manage the well-being and health of student- athletes. Students will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of common athletic injuries. This course includes dealing with the history of athletic training, evaluation techniques, preventive measures to reduce the incidences of injuries, and a knowledge of basic treatment procedures to be used after injuries occur
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
HPE 295: Wellness-Hlth Assess (3)
The course includes lectures and physical activity designed to expose the student to interrelation of health and physical fitness. The course covers both assessment and improvement of the following: physical fitness, nutritional status, and the ability to cope with stress. The interacting role of the three components in achieving optimum health will be explored with particular emphasis on the cardio-vascular system
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer