Forestry (FOR)

FOR 111: Introduction to Forestry (3)
Introduction of forest resources in the world; forests and human well-being; where and how forests grow; environmental and human values; products, characteristics, and uses; basic elements of use, planning and management. Interpretation of forestry literature; professional origins in the U.S. Field trips required
Terms Typically Offered: Fall
FOR 112: Problem Solving-Technology (3)
Systematic approaches to problem solving using computers Emphasizes applications with Microsoft office products and spreadsheets.
Registration-Enforced Prerequisite: ENGR 111 or FOR 111 or NR 201.
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
FOR 161: Surveying I (4)
Course includes the fundamental concepts of plane surveying including the theory of measurements; systematic and random errors; distance and angle measurement using total stations and differential leveling. Course also includes calculation of bearings, azimuths, coordinates, area, and traverse adjustments with an introduction to horizontal and vertical curve computations.
Registration-Enforced Corequisite: MTH 112Z, with grade of C or better or instructor approval.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
FOR 206: Soil Science Lab (1)
Laboratory exercises and field trips designed to develop student competency in soil processes, description, analysis, and assessment with a particular emphasis on the role of soils in managed and unmanaged forest ecosystems.
Registration-Enforced Prerequisite/Corequisite: SOIL 205.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
FOR 234: GIS-Intro to Geographic Info (4)
This course is designed as an introduction to Geographic Information Systems and the spatial concepts it promotes. An understanding of digital geographic information and the intelligence behind it will be understood. ArcGIS is the software program used for spatial data input, analysis, and display
Terms Typically Offered: Winter