Early Childhood Education (ECE)

ECE 101: ECE-Sem-Prac I (3)
Discussion centered on ECE lab activities, behavior management and problem-solving techniques. ​​Practical work experience will provide the student with a variety of experiences working with children in early childhood programs under the close supervision of the instructional staff. Students will gain practical experience working with young children in the ECE lab. Students work with children individually and in small groups and supervise children in outdoor activities. Activities and projects carried out will be student planned and implemented. Instructor-Enforced ​Prerequisites: Oregon Childcare Registry enrollment, including background check, Infant/Child First Aid and CPR and Food Handlers Certificate. Successful completion (C or above) of either ECE 140, Introduction to Early Childhood Education or HDFS225 Child Development. NOTE: Students registered on the Oregon Registry Step 7 may begin from ECE 103 through to their desired level of Practicum
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
ECE 102: ECE-Sem-Prac II (3)
Discuss one’s own teaching style and the relationship of a teacher to children and parents. Practical experiences working with children. Explore interpersonal skills in order to function as a team member in planning and carrying out a comprehensive program for children.
Prerequisite: ECE 101, Oregon Childcare Registry enrollment, including background check, Infant/Child First Aid and CPR and Food Handlers Certificate.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
ECE 103: ECE-SEM-Prac III (3)
Review state and local regulations and agencies that deal with young children. Plan to implement programs that provide positive learning experiences for the individual child and groups. Assist with administrative and supervisory tasks.
Instructor-Enforced Prerequisite: ECE 102.
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
ECE 140: Intro to Early Childhood Ed (3)
Focus on the historical and philosophical development of the field, programs, and major approaches to early childhood education and development. Introduction to current trends in the field, education theories, and research that supports those trends. Explore the importance of partnering with families in order to support children’s learning and development in culturally responsive ways. Emphasis on early childhood education as a career and enhance awareness of professional organizations concerned with young children
Terms Typically Offered: Fall
ECE 150: Creative Activities for Child (3)
Introduces creative activities suitable for preschool children in fields of art, music, dramatics, rhythms, games, finger plays, carpentry and water play. Development of the student’s creative imagination will be stressed. Oregon Childcare Registry enrollment required, including a background check
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
ECE 154: Lit and Language for Children (3)
This course provides an overview of literature, language development, and dual language development in young children. Quality children’s literature, a rationale for the purpose of such literature, ways to implement its use, and ways to evaluate its appropriateness, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically, for young children are addressed. Lectures and demonstrations, reading and evaluations of children’s books, and practical experiences with children and literature are included
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
ECE 178: Observing-Guiding Behavior (3)
Students will identify the guidance needs of young children and learn techniques and strategies to meet these needs. Exercises are designed to develop observation, recording and guidance skills. Students will be observing an early childhood education center. Oregon Childcare Registry enrollment required, including background check and verification of MMR vaccination
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
ECE 230: Health Safety and Nutrition (3)
This course covers contemporary health, safety, and nutrition needs of infant through school-age children--and guides teachers in implementing effective classroom practices. Concepts are backed by the latest research findings and linked to NAEYC standards. The text emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential. This course covers the latest research and information on many topics of significant concern, including food safety, emergency and disaster preparedness, childhood obesity, children's mental health, bullying, resilience, chronic and acute health conditions, environmental quality, and children with special medical needs
Terms Typically Offered: Fall
ECE 235: Supporting Child Wellbeing (3)
​​This course embraces the utilization of strength-based approaches to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships between caregivers and young children, while enhancing the resilience and overall wellbeing of the children. It encompasses a range of strategies that aim to identify the influential aspects of early childhood care and education, emphasizing mental health. The course explores the recognition of protective factors, the promotion of healthy attachment, and the facilitation of social and emotional development within early childhood programs, all within the framework of family relationships and cultural context.​ Only offered online
Terms Typically Offered: Summer
ECE 240: Lesson and Curriculum Planning (3)
Development of fundamental goals for facilitating growth and development of children in early childhood learning and care programs; planning daily and weekly program activities; emphasis on stimulating learning through a variety of materials and methods; building relations between home and early childhood learning and care programs
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
ECE 244: Indiv Learning-Preschoolers (3)
Introduces students to Methods of developing individualized learning materials in settings for preschool children. Designed specifically for people working with Early Childhood Education programs. Oregon Childcare Registry enrollment required, including background check and verification of MMR vaccination
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
ECE 247: Admin of Child-Care Centers (3)
Overall view of administration and operation of child care centers: Site location and development, regulatory agencies and license requirements, policy formation and development, planning space and equipment, staff selection and management, boards and advisory committees, funding sources and legal responsibilities
Terms Typically Offered: Winter, alternate years