Cooperative Work Experience (CWE)

CWE 162: CWE: Seminar II (1)
This course is a continuation of CWE Seminar II with emphasis on managerial skills. The student is required to develop a marketing plan or business plan for a business organization of their choosing. Students will be expecting to select a business, prepare the plan, present an oral presentation, and submit a final written document
Terms Typically Offered: Winter
CWE 163: CWE: Seminar III (1)
This course is a continuation of CWE Seminar II, with emphasis on managerial skills. The student is required to develop a marketing plan or business plan for a business organization of their choosing. Students will be expecting to select a business, prepare the plan, present an oral presentation, and submit a final written document.
Prerequisite: CWE 162; instructor approval.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring
CWE 180: Intro to Work Experience (3)
Entry-level industry work experience at training site(s) that provide experience appropriate to student’s interest and course of study. These experiences will provide the opportunity for students to gain knowledge of various tasks performed in their chosen career field. A student may take any number of CWE credits per term, not to exceed 13 credits per year
Terms Typically Offered: Spring