Career & Technical Education

Career and technical programs provide instruction in the knowledge and skills from a wide variety of occupations that demand education beyond high school. Students prepare for employment by completing a two-year associate degree in applied sciences or by completing shorter term certificate programs. In many fields, career and technical education may enhance employment opportunities by providing students with industry certifications desired by employers.

While career-technical programs are designed primarily to prepare the student for immediate employment, many also offer opportunities for transfer to another college or university. Students are encouraged to speak with an academic advisor about these possibilities.

Certificates of Completion

“Certificate of Completion” means a form of recognition awarded by a community college for meeting minimum occupational course, curriculum or proficiency requirements. Certificates of completion must be state-approved, have a defined job entry point, represent collegiate-level work, be credit bearing, and meet Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) standards and criteria. 

OAR 589-006-0050 (12)

The term “certificate” may not be used for recognition/attendance awards and/or to imply equivalence to a Certificate of Completion.


Certificates range from 12-108 credits, and in clock hours from 180 -1,350. Certificates of Completion are identified in OAR 589-006-0100 (6) as:

  • Less than one year,
  • One year,
  • Greater than one year, and
  • Two years.

The taxonomy of Certificates of Completion includes:

  1. Related to an AAS degree
  2. Related to a larger Certificates of Completion program or an independent award
    1. Related to an existing AAS degree
    2. Related an existing Certificate of Completion
  3. Independent new program

The HECC requirements for Certificates of Completion are set forth in OAR 589-006-0100 (8). Certificates of completion must:

  • Include at least 12 credits; and
  • Be no more than 108 credits; and
  • Have a recognizable core of general education or related instruction courses for programs one-year or more in length; and
  • Have an established standard of academic achievement; and
  • Demonstrate occupational content leading to employment; and
  • Meet or exceed the local community college board of education program approval standards; and
  • Meet or exceed the Higher Education Coordinating Commission program approval standards and criteria.

Career Pathways

A type of Certificate of Completion: Career Pathways link education and training with student support or wraparound services to help students advance to higher levels of education and employment. They offer multiple entry and exit points that provide students with flexibility. They can include "stackable credentials" such as industry-recognized credentials, occupational licensed credentials, and more, preparing students for additional credentials over time. UCC offers the following Career Pathway programs in nth4e following industries:

Associate of Applied Science

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is intended to prepare graduates for direct entry into the workforce. The AAS degree may also help to prepare students for career advancement, occupational licensure, or study at the baccalaureate level. As a minimum, the AAS must include 90 -108 quarter credits or equivalent proficiency; a recognizable core of or demonstrated competencies in specific general education courses; and an established standard of academic achievement. Curricula focuses on the application of knowledge and skills related to the occupations and careers identified by the program. Electives may include a combination of lower division collegiate transfer and/or collegiate-level career and technical education courses.

General requirements for the Associate of Applied Science are:

The Associate of Applied Science will be conferred on students who complete a two-year program in Career-Technical Education.

The Related Instruction component is also required for AAS degree.

The Associate of Applied Science Degree will be awarded to students who:

  1. Satisfactorily complete all required courses in a specified occupational curriculum.
  2. Complete a minimum of 90 credit hours or equivalent proficiency.
  3. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
  4. Complete a recognizable core of related instruction courses, including:
    1. Demonstrated competency in mathematics and/or writing which meets or exceeds the competencies established for each individual program by the program’s Advisory Board. Required learning outcome competency may be provided by:
      1. Embedded Learning
      2. Successful completion of required specified content area class(es)
      3. Competency Testing
    2. Three (3) credit hours of Mathematics numbered 100 or above or demonstrated competency.
    3. Four (4) credit hours in WR 115 Intro to Expos Writing (4 cr.) or above or demonstrated competency.
    4. Three (3) credit hours of Human Relations as specified by program.
  5. Attend UCC for at least two terms, including the term prior to completion.
  6. Complete a minimum of 25% credit hours at UCC, 15 of which must be in a career and technical discipline. A maximum of 24 credits of CWE will count towards the Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Human Relations includes:

  1. The ways people interact with each other, either individually or in groups;
  2. Basic communication skills such as speaking, listening, and writing; and
  3. Interpersonal and intercultural sensitivity.

Approved Human Relations Courses

COM 218ZInterpersonal Communication4
PSY 101Psychology of Human Relations3

Career and Technical Education Course Options

AG 120Intro to Agribusiness3
AI 120Intro to AI4
AI 210Machine Learning4
AI 220Natural Language Processing4
AI 230Computer Vision4
AI 240AI Data Science4
AI 280CWE - AI1-13
APR 101Intro to Trades and Technology4
APR 111Machine Shop Practices I3
APR 112Machine Shop Practices II3
APR 113Machine Shop Practices III3
APR 115Computer Aided Drafting I3
APR 120Industrial Safety3
APR 121Hydraulics I3
APR 122Hydraulics II3
APR 123Hydraulics III3
APR 130Mech Principles-Drive Designs3
APR 131Basic Metallurgy3
APR 140Beg Welding for Apprentices1
APR 141Int Welding for Apprentices1
APR 142Adv Welding for Apprentices1
APR 145Blueprint Reading-Sketching3
APR 151Basic Electronics-Electricity4
APR 153Electrical Applications-Tech3
APR 155Electrical Best Practices2
APR 157Intro to National Elect Code2
APR 159Electrical Blueprint Reading2
APR 163Commercial Wiring3
APR 165AC Electronics and Electricity4
APR 167Electric Motors-Transformers3
APR 169Electrical Code Study II2
APR 228Rigging Fundamentals3
APR 229Basic Pneumatics3
APR 239Pumps and Pumping3
APR 251Electrical Sensors and Control3
APR 253Electrical Code Study III2
APR 255Motor Controls I2
APR 257High Voltage Applications2
APR 259Solid State and Digital Apps4
APR 261Electrical Code Study IV2
APR 263Communications Alarm-Control2
APR 265Motor Controls II2
APR 267Advanced Code Study3
APR 269Journeyman Exam Prep3
AUT 100AIntro to Automotive Tech I2
AUT 100BIntro to Automotive Tech II4
AUT 101Basic Auto Skills I3
AUT 102Basic Auto Skills II3
AUT 103Basic Auto Skills III5
AUT 111Engine Repair and Maintenance6
AUT 112AAuto Friday Career Academy2
AUT 112BAuto Friday Career Academy3
AUT 112CAuto Friday Career Academy3
AUT 113Drive Trains6
AUT 114Suspension and Steering6
AUT 115Braking Systems6
AUT 116Electrical I6
AUT 127Climate Control Adv Electrical6
AUT 129Light Vehicle Diesel Engines6
AUT 216Electrical II6
AUT 217Heating and Air Conditioning6
AUT 218Engine Performance I6
AUT 219Light Duty Diesel6
AUT 220Alternative Fuel Vehicles6
AUT 228Engine Performance II6
AUT 280CWE-Automotive1-13
BA 101ZIntroduction to Business4
BA 106Business Leadership3
BA 116Principles of Financial Svcs4
BA 128Accounting Applications I2
BA 129Accounting Applications II2
BA 150Develop a Small Business4
BA 151Practical Accounting I4
BA 152Practical Accounting II3
BA 165Customer Service3
BA 170Business Technologies3
BA 171Logic and Reasoning3
BA 172Entrepreneurship3
BA 173Innovation to Market3
BA 174Innovation and Tech Strategy3
BA 175Fund Accounting4
BA 176Project Management4
BA 177Payroll Accounting4
BA 180Business Mathematics I3
BA 181Business Mathematics II3
BA 206Management Fundamentals3
BA 207Intro to E-Commerce3
BA 211ZPrinciples Financial Acct4
BA 213Principles of Accounting III3
BA 213ZPrinciples Managerial Acct4
BA 214Business Communications3
BA 218Personal Finance and Investing3
BA 222Financial Management3
BA 223Principles of Marketing3
BA 226Business Law4
BA 231Computers in Business4
BA 233Accounting for Managers4
BA 238Professional Selling3
BA 239Advertising3
BA 249Retailing3
BA 250Managing the Small Business3
BA 253Social Media Marketing3
BA 260Advanced Human Resources3
BA 280CWE-Business1-13
BA 280ACWE-Accounting1-13
BA 280BCWE-Marketing1-13
BA 280CCWE-Management1-13
CIS 100Intro to Windows and PCs3
CIS 140LIntro to Linux OS4
CIS 140MIntro to MS Operating Systems4
CIS 140WIntro to Windows2
CIS 145Computer Forensics4
CIS 151CIntroduction to Networks4
CIS 152CSwitch Rout Wireless Ess4
CIS 153CEnt Netwrk Security Automation4
CIS 154CWide Area Network Protocols4
CIS 195Authoring for the Web I4
CIS 233CSIntro to Programming II4
CIS 240MWindows Server Admin I4
CIS 244Systems Analysis and Design4
CIS 275Intro to Database Mgmt Sys I4
CIS 276Intro to Database Mgmt Sys II4
CIS 279MWindows Server Admin II4
CIS 280CWE-CIS1-13
CIS 280DCWE-Health Informatics1-13
CIS 284Network Security Fundamentals4
CIS 285AEthical Hacking4
CIS 285CCloud Services Technologies3
CIS 288MWindows Server Admin III4
CIS 295Authoring for the Web II4
CJ 101Intro to Criminology3
CJ 110Intro to Law Enforcement3
CJ 114Diversity Issues in CJ3
CJ 120Intro to Judicial Process3
CJ 130Intro to Corrections3
CJ 211Ethics in Criminal Justice3
CJ 261Intro to Parole and Probation3
CS 271Computer Architecture4
CWE 162CWE: Seminar II1
CWE 163CWE: Seminar III1
CWE 180Intro to Work Experience3
DA 102Adv Clinical Experiences4
DA 103Dentistry Law and Ethics1
DA 107Dental Health Education I1
DA 108Dental Health Education II1
DA 110Health Sciences3
DA 111Dental Terminology2
DA 115Dental Anatomy3
DA 135Oral Pathology2
DA 139Med Emergencies in Dental Ofc2
DA 190Dental Office Procedures3
DA 192Dental Materials I3
DA 195Chairside Procedures I4
DA 196Chairside Procedures II4
DA 198Dental Materials II2
DA 210Dental Radiology I4
DA 211Dental Radiology II3
DA 214Dental Radiology License Prep1
DA 280CWE: Dental Assisting1-13
ECE 101ECE-Sem-Prac I3
ECE 102ECE-Sem-Prac II3
ECE 140Intro to Early Childhood Ed3
ECE 150Creative Activities for Child3
ECE 154Lit and Language for Children3
ECE 178Observing-Guiding Behavior3
ECE 230Health Safety and Nutrition3
ECE 235Supporting Child Wellbeing3
ECE 240Lesson and Curriculum Planning3
ECE 244Indiv Learning-Preschoolers3
ECE 247Admin of Child-Care Centers3
ED 229Learning and Development3
ED 235Educational Technology3
ED 258Culturally Responsive Ed3
ED 280CWE-Education1-13
EMS 151EMT Part 16
EMS 152EMT Part 26
EMS 153AEMS Friday Career Academy3
EMS 153BEMS Friday Career Academy3
EMS 153CEMS Friday Career Academy6
EMS 180Crisis Intervention3
EMS 201Pathophysiology2
EMS 211General Pharmacology2
EMS 212Emergency Pharmacology2
EMS 231Medical Emergencies Part 14
EMS 232Medical Emergencies Part 24
EMS 233Trauma Emergencies4
EMS 241Basic Electrocardiography2
EMS 242Advanced Electrocardiography2
EMS 243Special Populations4
EMS 251Paramedic Part 13
EMS 252Paramedic Lab Part 23
EMS 253Paramedic Lab Part 33
EMS 261Paramedic Clinical Part 14
EMS 262Paramedic Clinical Part 24
EMS 263Paramedic Field Internship8
EMS 280CWE-EMS1-13
ENGR 202Electrical Fundamentals II4
ES 101Principles-Emergency Services3
ES 103Occupational Safety-Health2
ES 107Legal Aspects-Emergency Svcs2
ES 109Principles of FESA3
ES 113Emergency Medical Svcs Rescue3
FRP 101FF Safety and Survival3
FRP 111Bldg Constr-Fire Suppression3
FRP 121AElementary Fire Science Part 14
FRP 121BElementary Fire Science Part 24
FRP 122Fundamentals Fire Protection3
FRP 123Hazardous Materials4
FRP 132Fire Pump Const-Operation3
FRP 133Natural Cover Fire Protection3
FRP 135Hazardous Materials Chemistry2
FRP 159Fire Behavior and Combustion3
FRP 201ARough Terrain1
FRP 201BSwiftwater Rescue1
FRP 201CVehicle Extrication1
FRP 202Fire Protection Systems3
FRP 212Fire Investigation3
FRP 213FF Tactics and Strategy3
FRP 230Fire Service Hydraulics4
GIS 203Digital Earth-Geospatial4
GIS 234GIS 1-Intro to Geographic Info4
GIS 235GIS II Data Analysis-App4
GIS 280CWE-GIS1-13
HE 260Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation1
HS 211HIV AIDS-Infectious Disease2
HS 217Group Counseling Skills I3
HS 226Ethics and Law3
HS 265Counseling Skills II3
HS 280CWE-Human Svcs1-13
J 205Intro to Public Relations3
J 211Intro to Mass Communications3
J 215Journalism Production1-3
J 251Writing for the Media3
J 280CWE: Journalism1-13
LA 100Legal Procedures I4
LA 101Intro to Paralegal Studies3
LA 102Legal Terminology3
LA 105Civil Procedure3
LA 128Legal Procedures II4
LA 132Ethics for Legal Prof3
LA 204Legal Research and Writing I4
LA 205Legal Research and Writing II4
LA 208Family Law4
LA 210Wills Probate Estates3
LA 217Real Estate Law for Paralegals4
LA 224Torts Pleadings and Practice3
LA 226Criminal Law for Paralegals3
LA 280CWE- Legal Assistant1-13
MEC 118Preventive Maintenance3
MEC 120Industrial Safety3
MEC 121Mechanical Components5
MEC 123Automation Programming I5
MEC 151Electricity in Mechatronics5
MEC 201Composites5
MEC 219Robotics in Manufacturing5
MEC 222Hydraulics and Pneumatics5
MEC 224Controls and Instrumentation5
MEC 225Automation Programming II5
MEC 229Mechatronics Capstone3
MEC 280CWE-Mechatronics1-13
MED 100Intro to Healthcare Careers2
MED 111Medical Terminology I3
MED 112Medical Terminology II3
MED 117AP and Pharmacology for MAs4
MED 120Clinical Procedures I3
MED 122Clinical Procedures II3
MED 125Medical Assistant Practicum I4
MED 126Medical Assistant Practicum II6
MED 140Electronic Health Records3
MED 220Medical Office Procedures I3
MED 221Medical Office Procedures II3
MED 230Health Insurance Concepts3
MED 231Hlth Care Reimburs-Collections3
MED 260Medical Document Processing3
MFG 104Principles of Lean Mfg1
MFG 108Starrett PMI2
MFG 111Machine Shop I3
MFG 112Machine Shop II3
MFG 113Machine Shop III3
MFG 121Hydraulics I3
MFG 122Hydraulics II3
MFG 123Hydraulics III3
MFG 124Hydraulics IV3
MFG 125Hydraulics V3
MUS 280CWE-Music1-13
NRS 101Nursing Assistant6
NRS 102ANRS Asst Friday Career Academy2
NRS 102BNRS Asst Friday Career Academy2
NRS 102CNRS Asst Friday Career Academy2
NRS 103ANA 12
NRS 103BNA 12
NRS 103CNA 12
NRS 110Found of Nrsg-Health Promotion9
NRS 111Found of Nrsg-Chronic Illness6
NRS 112Found of Nrsg-Acute Care6
NRS 221Chronic Illness II9
NRS 222Acute Care II9
NRS 224Scope of Practice9
NRS 230Clinical Pharmacology I3
NRS 231Clinical Pharmacology II3
NRS 232Pathophysiological Proc I3
NRS 233Pathophysiological Proc II3
NRS 234Patho for Nursing 12
NRS 235Patho for Nursing 22
NRS 236Patho For Nursing 32
NRS 237Pharmacology for Nursing 12
NRS 238Pharmacology for Nursing 22
NRS 239Pharmacology for Nursing 32
NRS 280CWE: Nursing1-13
OA 110Alpha Keyboarding2
OA 115Admin Office Professional3
OA 116Records Management2
OA 123Formatting4
OA 128Editing for Business3
OA 131Ten-Key Calculator1
OA 161Career Planning1
OA 245Office Administration1
OA 250General Office Procedures3
OA 260Principles of Office Mgmt3
OA 280ACWE-Admin Asst-Office Asst1-13
OA 280CCWE-Medical Admin Asst1-13
PHLB 101Phlebotomy9
PSY 280CWE: Psychology1-13
SDP 109Elements of Supervision3
SDP 113Human Relations-Supervisors3
SDP 201Coaching in the Workplace3
SDP 204Labor and Mgmt Relations3
SDP 208Human Rscs for Supervisors3
SDP 215Equal Employment Opportunity3
SDP 223Employee Dev and Perform Mgmt3
SOC 280CWE: Sociology1-13
VE 101Intro to the Wine Industry1
VE 102Integrated Pest Control-Grapes4
VE 103Soils-Nutri-Irrig4
VE 202Sensory Evaluation of Wine4
VE 205Wines of North America3
VE 210Sci of Winemkg I5
VE 211Science of Making Wine II5
VE 223Wine Marketing3
VE 280Vineyard-Winery Practicum1-13
WLD 101Welding Processes-Apps4
WLD 111Shielded Metal Arc Welding4
WLD 112Shld Metal Arc Wldg:Mild Steel3
WLD 113Shld Metal Arc Wldg;Mld Stl II3
WLD 114Shld Metal Arc Wldg;MldStl III3
WLD 121Gas Metal Arc Welding3
WLD 122Gas Metal Arc Welding-Pulse3
WLD 123Advanced Welding III3
WLD 124Advanced Welding IV3
WLD 131Basic Metallurgy3
WLD 140Blueprint Reading3
WLD 141Flux-Core Arc Wldg(Gas Shld)3
WLD 142Flux-Core Arc Wldg II Slf Shld3
WLD 160Aluminum Arc Welding I3
WLD 161Welding Problems4
WLD 222Pipe Welding-Fitting I3
WLD 223Pipe Welding-Fitting II3
WLD 240Blueprint Reading - II3
WLD 251Gas Tungsten Arc Weld II3
WLD 252Gas Tungsten Arc Weld III3
WLD 261Aluminum Arc Welding II3
WLD 262Aluminum Arc Welding III3
WLD 280CWE: Welding1-13
WQT 226Wastewater Treatment I Liquid3
WQT 227Wastewater Treatment II Solids3
WQT 228Wastewater Collection3
WQT 260Water Treatment3
WQT 261Water Distribution3
WQT 280CWE-Water Quality Treatment1-13